I’ve always had a bit of an addiction to scented candles and the like, but my ongoing quest for a better night’s sleep has shown me just how effective the relaxing power of fragrance can be. I was very impressed with the first slumber-inducing aromatherapy product I tried, so when the lovely people at Bristol-based beauty website Bath & Unwind asked if I’d like to review another blend of essential oils designed to soothe mind and body, I was more than happy to oblige.
Made from vetivert, camomile and sandalwood, Aromatherapy Associates ‘Deep Relax’ bath oil promises to give ‘a sense of tranquillity’ and encourage ‘a settled slumber’. It’s become a bit of a cult product in recent years, with glowing reviews popping up all over the place (including more than 70 positive user comments on Bath & Unwind’s pages alone), so I was keen to see if it would live up to the hype.
“Be warned,” read the cover note when the oil arrived (beautifully packaged in a delicate glass bottle and ribbon-tied box), “this is seriously strong stuff”. It turns out that it really is. I tried it for the first time during one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in a long while, when a combination of deadlines, volunteering events and a looming work trip to Italy meant I was struggling to stop my brain from buzzing all night long. As soon as I opened the bottle and let the comforting scent waft around the bathroom, I could feel my mind begin to calm down; a 20-minute soak later and I was on the point of dosing off. In fact, I fell asleep almost as soon as I crawled under the duvet afterwards, and it was proper, deep slumber – the comatose, glued-to-the-sheets kind that normally eludes me nowadays.
It’s versatile, too. If you don’t have time for a bath (or access to a tub!), you can smooth it over your body before showering. I decantered a little bit into a travel bottle and tried this in Italy, where it helped me relax after some busy days of driving and meetings.
As bath oils go, it’s certainly not cheap (£45 for 55ml), but it’s one of those little indulgences that really does make a difference. Each bottle provides around 20 capfuls, so I’d recommend saving it for particularly stressful days when you need a bit of extra help unwinding. And, as I found out, it offers a couple of added bonuses: silky-soft skin, and a bathroom that smells wonderful for days afterwards!
I’ll certainly be treating myself to another bottle when this one runs out.
This is a collaborative post with Bath & Unwind, who also provided the bath oil for this review. All words and opinions are my own.
Photography by Abi Dare
Love love love Aromatherapy Associates products!!! Highly recommend this worthy indulgence to everyone! Smells delicious and skin feels so silky smooth and soft!